Sunday, August 3, 2008

reunion and some of my schoolmates formed a small reunion...(i guess) or a meeting up....after been awhile we have not seeing each other....
some of them, like mamat, amie, one and rin, i think i've not seen them since they moved to boarding school after form 3....
the meeting took place at Johnny's in Alamanda....
also joined were nadhilah and elly...

me and nadhilah
nadhilah, one, ellymamat, amie, rinni

elly was responsible to made up the's always been elly's responsible for friends reunion....haha...(thanx elly...i think without u, aku x ter'contact' n berjumpe le ngn bdk2 ni...)

mamat now has become a teacher in a school around PJ...amie also has been working for about few months....rin is going to her final year of becoming a is going to become a fourth year medical student....elly has one more year to go before she's coming back to m'sia from sheffield and nadhilah has been working in pasir gudang for about 6 months....
me...?? hmmm....still waiting for my posting letter....(penanam anggur berjaye neyh... :D)

the reunion semlm was very fun....seeing my friends after few years.... the feeling was very happy....rase macam "jom rakan2, kite wat reunion lagi ramai2" elly dh made up a deal ngn bdk2 yg pegi reunion last year kate 2010, baru buat reunion besar2an...becos at that time, sape yg study overseas insyaallah dh blk....
hihi...can't wait for 2010....x sabar nk jumpe sume org.... :)

last skali.....a photo from all of us....
nape ye elly????


Hacked by w3d0z said...

adus2..kenekn akulak ek.sesuka hati je korang...hihihihi...=) aah best sgt jmpe sume org balik....

tak sabar 2010? hihihi..time tu adela org yg nak kawen..insya Allah...hahaha sape tah kan? ko kot..ko kn dh keje...hihi..k take care hannah...keep on writing..this is one way to know how's ur life is going...daaa~~

Habbatussauda' said...

kite cilok gmbr ek.hihi

SNHazlina said...

blum jd cekgu betul2 lagi, still trainee teacher, hehehe...