Saturday, March 14, 2009

setelah lama...

lama rupenye x menyinggah kt blog sendiri nie...
bz ke?
nk kate bz sgt, x jgk....
tiap2 mlm balik, mata dh berat...
masuk umah je rase nk landing utk zzzz...
so, penyakit M menyerang for me to do any activity...
lg2 nk membukak lappy-toppy kesayangan ku ini...
baru tau working is tiring...
but, what to do? that is the source of income....
mak bapak x hulur duit dh skrg ni...
pndi2 ler...

just now, baru lps browse some of my friends punye blog....
elly....rndu nk jmpe minah sorg nie...sometimes perangai still childish (for me..x tau la org lain rase elly mcm mane...but i like that...) tp sgt2 matang...different from me....
elly, bile nk blk m'sia eh?
pastu, ade kwn yg dh nk kawen....
yg dh nk jd ibu pn ade....
bile tgk diorg rase cm 'aku nk kawen jgk!!!'
tp, tu la....calon x de lg...masih mencari...
org sekeliling dh sibuk tanye...bile nk kawen...
kite jawab lmbt lg, x de x percaye...payah btul...

two weeks ago, aku join family day hosp selayang...
i went with my usual 'jalan-jalan' cliques...
seronok....sbb dh lame x jmpe diorg sume...
n dpt release from working stress...
walaupun, activity ape pn aku x buat...
sbb mmg niat di hati, nk bermalas-malasan...
future plan, ingt nk ajak bdk2 ni g perhentian....
korg...jom g perhentian....

esok wedding ain ngn dapie...
wish them happy all the time....(tulus dari hati tau walaupun...)
sorry x dpt attend, i'll be working tomorrow...

my work?
right now, station kt in-patient dept...
seronok tp biasela kene byk bersabar ngn kerenah org...
skrg dh menerima kenyataan, hosp kajang is my working place...
walaupun sedikit sebyk x puas hati, but i have to put all my patience to live through it...
mama cakap, keje kt mane2 pn ade masalah....
yes...that is very true...
but many factors will make the workplace more enjoyable....
especially from the people who are working with us...right?
x pe la, lame2 nnt ok la...
dh mls nk pikir....

okla...ade presentation nk kene wat ni...


p/s: mar, arip....aku dh tkr cite blog aku ok?

1 comment:

Hacked by w3d0z said...

hannah..update gak blog ko..=)

welcome back to blogging life..

elly tu aku ker? wahahah..seb baik ko tulis bile nk balik msia..kalo tak blur gak sape elly tu..

yeker aku?

hahaha aku tetap cm dulu, cume mybe matang skit..yela dh besar kan..ape nk wat byk bnde kene buat..=)

miss u too dear! miss all the old good days..=)

kawen? hmmm..sometimes risau gak psl kawen ni..

mode: now i know, I'm not ready for that...=p